celebrating 24 amazing years in chicago

Hi, it’s Laura, owner of Sine. It’s hard to believe that 24 years ago today I opened Sine Qua Non.
I knew it was a risk and a gamble. I didn’t know what I was doing, or how much it would enrich my life and force me to be a better person. To all the humans who have worked at Sine, or been a client of ours, I am so humbled. Every relationship, every stylist and every guest has enabled me to have this amazing company, and to learn how to be a leader (I’m still learning). I wanted to be a Rock Star, I ended up being a friend, a mentor, a job provider. I am exactly where I need to be. Thank you Chicago, and every single person that has walked through our doors. You have all left your mark and kept us going strong for 24 years. See you in the salon soon!
Yours in service, Laura B.