meet the team – sonia
Today we’re chatting with SQN educator Sonia, who kicks off a series of upcoming interviews with all of our educators. Read on and learn more about why Sonia loves to teach!
SQN: What’s your hometown?
Sonia: Cedarburg, WI.
SQN: How long have you worked at Sine Qua Non?
Sonia: 11 years.
SQN: What do you love about being a stylist educator at Sine Qua Non Salon?
Sonia: Inspiring young stylists and learning from other amazingly talented stylists.
SQN: What is your favorite haircut technique to teach?
Sonia: Classic techniques and then how to customize each look to fit the client.
SQN: What makes SQN’s Education Program unique?
Sonia: The in-depth education that the assistants receive and the well-roundedness of the students who graduate from the program.
SQN: What do you love about doing hair and/or what made you want to start doing hair?
Sonia: People, and making them feel good about themselves.
SQN: Who is your current style icon, inspiration or time period that is influencing your personal style?
Sonia: I love beachy, soft, effortless hair. Early 70s.
SQN: What is your favorite hair trend that your clients have been requesting this season?
Sonia: The bob has been a popular request. We’ve been keeping it soft and airy by adding texture with the razor. I love that my clients want to be able to wear their hair different ways. I try to give ideas on how to use different tools (irons, product etc.) to achieve this. Also ideas on putting hair up, especially with the summer.
SQN: What is one hair trend you are glad is gone?
SQN: Three words that best describe you?
Sonia: Friendly, passionate, dedicated.