women entrepreneurs in chicago

The Women Worth Knowing in Chicago
Sine Qua Non Salon prides itself on being a female-owned business, so we decided to highlight women entrepreneurs in Chicago who we look up to.
Claire Mark
Teacher and educator at YOGAVIEW, Cookbook Author, Life Coach
16 years in business
“You can do anything you set your heart and mind to do. Dream big!”
What Inspired You To Open Your Business: “I was inspired to start teaching yoga because I was so happy with all of the wonderful benefits yoga offered me, I just wanted to share it with others!
I’m a work in progress like everyone else, so I’m taking it all one day at a time and trying to put my best foot forward by assisting people to live a healthier life, both physically and mentally.”
Helen Cameron
“Find your purpose in life and follow your heart! Don’t be afraid to commit your life to something that makes you happy and helps others. Be open to the universe, be flexible, and work hard. Never give up and always make NEW mistakes!”
What Inspired You To Open Your Business: “A love of food and hospitality, music, art and creating community–and doing all of this sustainably.
Uncommon Ground has been a place for community– to gather and enjoy seasonal, locally produced food and beverage, along with live music and local artist showings for over 24 years! We have the first certified organic rooftop farm at our Devon location and the first certified organic sidewalk farm, as well as the first certified organic brewery in the state of Illinois (at our Clark location.) Uncommon Ground has been a leader in the sustainability movement, employing solar thermal panels to heat our water, using reclaimed local wood for walls and furniture, recycling, and reducing our carbon footprint wherever we can.”
Marguerite Gluck
“Take a serious look at your client list on a regular basis and evaluate which ones take up too much of your time. Often these clients are not providing your business with profit and are taking away profitable time you could be spending with other clients.”
What Inspired You To Open Your Business: “I actually did not plan to have a garden design business nor did I plan to be a florist but my passion became my business so I count myself extremely lucky.”
“I came into this business with a strong background in sales which helped tremendously. I truly believe that women have stronger sales skills than most men, because we generally approach the prospective buyer with a posture of ‘how can I service your needs’. Sadly, I think women still tend to be raised this way. Men in sales [NOT ALL!] tend to pitch. Use this strength to your advantage. People respond kindly to someone who genuinely tries to help them.”
Naoko Nagano
Co-Owner of STUDY HALL
3 Years In Business
“always be open to learning more. You know, whether it’s like working for someone who you admire, or interning, or even just reaching out for questions, just always kind of having your ears open, and your head down to do the work. I feel like that’s what helped me. And
I’m still learning!”
What Inspired You To Open Your Business: “I’ve worked in retail and also for independent businesses for the last ten years and I had a store back when I lived in Michigan. And then when we moved to Chicago I worked as a rep, and then my husband and I kind of wanted to work on something together. And we’ve lived in this neighborhood for a long time too so we really just wanted to get involved in the community and also do more retail which is what we love.”
Laura Boton
22 Years in Business
“Be very clear about the culture you create and have everything systematized. You can’t go wrong if you have vision coupled with organization.”
What Inspired You To Open Your Business: “I was motivated to open my own salon when I became disillusioned by the quality of owners and managers in the beauty industry. The bosses I had worked with treated me like a child, and didn’t notice my conscientiousness and commitment to my craft. They micromanaged me and refused to be flexible with my hours and booking times. I felt that a revolution was necessary. I began Sine Qua Non Salon on these principles: 1. Treat people with the respect they deserve. 2. If an employee is responsible, talented and hardworking, they should be awarded control over their schedules and allowed time off when desired.