seen & spotted: new york versus chicago holidays

New York Versus Chicago – Which Has More Cheer?
Traveling for the holidays – a Christmas tradition for some, a pain for most and a joy to the few.With the eerily warm Christmas most of America had this year, it was hard to get into the Christmas spirit. Still, the houses were decorated to the brim and family time was had.
All the fashion-forward families and the holiday hair bouncing about between two cities, our social media guru, Maggie O., shares her Christmas spirit as she traveled home to New York for the holidays and returned to Chicago to enjoy the winter break with her sister, Jackie!
Top Left: Manhattan Bound – Top Center: Welcome to Grand Central – Top Right: Self Portrait
Middle Left: Thank You For Flying – Middle Center: The Ugly (Christmas?) Sweater Family – Middle Right: Winter Break
Botton Left: Sister/Sister – Bottom Center: “Finally!” – Bottom Right: Zoo Lights